

We founded VIET EAT out of a deep love for real food, for food that is fresh, healthy and authentic. We use only real ingredients here at VIET EAT.

At VIET EAT, we’re a real Vietnamese family - loud and affectionate. At the same time, we also love celebrating life – never without a selection of great food.

One of the inspirations behind the idea of opening a family restaurant was the sentimental memories of our own family feasts. The essential part, that always brought family and friends together was the food - made with a blend of love, family tradition and a lot of dedication behind the meal preparations. The food had a joyous effect, bringing laughter to the table, and influencing spirited toasts to making new memories together whilst dining.

We wanted to find a way to share this experience with others…

At VIET EAT, we want everybody to feel welcome as soon as they pass through our doors, and for a moment feel like a part of our endless family feast.

So….We welcome you to our restaurant and hope you will love our little Vietnamese corner in Holborn, and don't hesitate to share your dining experience with us! :-)


All of the ingredients we use here at VIET EAT are just that: local. We stock our restaurant kitchen in much the same way that we stock our home kitchen, with daily deliveries of fresh ingredients that we select ourselves at market each morning. 

In addition to our menu items, we also offer daily specials inspired by seasonal ingredients, the weather and how we are feeling. We are always on the lookout for new sources of ideas and inspiration, so when we travel the world (which we admit, we do often) we bring back our favourite flavours and culinary discoveries. 

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